Eye on lie...or why do we lie?

01:21 / Автор: LEDhandler /

          People have been lying for ages and centuries and they continue to do so every second. Why? That's an all-time-favourte for many of us if not for all. There are several reasons for it, that are mainly discussed in trillions of studies around the globe. The interesting thing is whether or not we're capable of catching a lie that is so attractively heading towards us from others. And what is more interesting whether or not we are willing to find this truth. Most of the times we say "YES" and, here we are! This is our first lie.
          Our problem is that we don't want to hear such kind of an information that is called truth. Are we admiring a lie-detector? With all the emphasis of policemen and other law enforcement agencies we are still feeling uncomfortable and unwilling to help when the case and people of these kinds of professions refer to us in a manner of justifing whether we're lying or not. Unfortunately from the very beginning we are lying.
          This blog is not a lie detector. I'm lying in my life also and lying a lot but would love to do it less, so may be if I try to catch a lie - I won't lie in the future. This looks like a big utopia but still it's worth trying I think.
        With all the lying in this world - this is what makes it interesting and people relationships moving.
       So the big catch begins after lies......here we go!

1 коммент.:

Comment by HH on 9 июля 2013 г. в 18:52

Спасибо, очень интересная заметка.

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